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to share sample results
Web.Lab is the portal for customers and suppliers of laboratories where you can interact by viewing the test results and related documents in real time for total transparency of the service.
Web.Lab is 100% integrated with Prolab.Q and is able to update itself autonomously, lightening the daily work of your laboratory.
Once the work is complete, Web.Lab allows you to upload data and related attachments in a controlled and secure manner, synchronizing with Prolab.Q
Real Time
The Web.Lab portal is updated in real time allowing the customer having immediate access to the progress of the interventions and the results of on-site analysis.
Time saving
Web.Lab also allows the laboratory to reduce the time spent communicating with customers by making them autonomous in consulting the results and in the progress of orders.
How it works and what it manages
Access to the portal is managed with specific credentials for each customer of the laboratory ; the platform provides visibility rules that allow you to configure the user profile to access only data of direct interest and competence.
A customized Dashboard welcomes the user who logs in. The Dashboard Home contains the list of the latest published samples and documents and a series of customized KPIs / indicators / statistics , based on the historical archive of published results.
It allows you to view and filter the list of published samples with customizable search filters based on the information describing each type of sample and its publication dates.
It allows you to view the detail of each single published sample , consulting the relative characteristics , the test results and any attached documents to the sample itself. The documents may include the Test Report and also any other type of document associated with the sample.
Allows you to view and filter the list of sample acceptance / delivery orders , also consulting the details.
This section allows you to consult customized statistics for the customer, prepared ad hoc , and also to export the data displayed in .xls and .csv format.
It allows you to view and download in matrix form the test results present in a set of filtered samples (cross-view of the selected samples and analyzes).
Possibility to consult the list of planned interventions (sampling interventions, consultancy or any other type of activity) based on the information on the LIMS Prolab.Q .
The interactive map allows you to view the geolocated pickup points and provides quick access to the latest analytical data available for each point.